Nancy Lyons

CEO & Entrepreneur of Clockwork
Date - December 18, 2017, 7:30 pm
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Nancy Lyons is a CEO, entrepreneur, and all around good human who speaks about the intersection of leadership, entrepreneurialism, technology, and people. Through her candid writing and speaking, she explores the many facets of life at work and champions human-centered approaches to business. Seeing work and the culture of work as the next economic frontier, she pushes the progressive boundaries of how we think about professional and personal lives. Nancy has been locally and nationally recognized for her role as owner and CEO of Clockwork. She is co-author of “Interactive Project Management: Pixels, People, and Process” (New Riders, 2012) and author of the upcoming book, “How to win at business by being nice to humans.” She serves as the Chair of the National Board of Directors at The Family Equality Council, is on the Board of Trustees at Minnesota Public Radio and American Public Media, on the advisory board for American Public Media’s Marketplace, is on the Open Twin Cities Advisory Board, and is a member of the advisory board for the innovative entrepreneurial conference, Giant Steps. She is also a member of the Women’s Presidents Organization and the Minnesota Women’s Economic Round Table.


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